RFQ for Pitt County Strategic Plan
Pitt County is requesting qualifications from qualified and experienced consultants to develop the County’s first comprehensive strategic plan. The essential purposes of the plan will be to identify the community’s top priorities and to develop clearly defined goals, objectives, and strategies that can be easily operationalized into the work plans of the various County departments over the next five (5) years. Development of the plan is expected to take approximately nine (9) months and should include a thorough review of existing County programs and funding priorities; public engagement, including input from County officials; research on local government trends and future challenges; development of an action plan for identified strategies, including processes for implementation, managing updates and evaluating progress; and other items as described in the desired scope of work. Submittals are due on or before 4pm on Wednesday, April 9, 2025. All questions regarding the RFQ must be emailed to James Rhodes no later than 5pm on Monday, March 24, 2025. Questions along with responses offered by the County will be posted as an addendum to the RFQ on the County’s website no later than 5pm on Friday, March 28, 2025.
RFQ for Pitt County Strategic Plan
Town of Canton - Unified Development Ordinance in conjunction with a new Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map
The Town of Canton is soliciting proposals from qualified firms offering comprehensive planning, UDO, and future land use map services, with the end goal being the creation and adoption of an updated Unified Development Ordinance in conjunction with a new Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map. Following a period of significant changes related to severe flooding, the closure of a major local industry, and intense interest in residential and commercial development in Canton, this process presents an opportunity to thoroughly update existing ordinances in anticipation of imminent development while maintaining the Town of Canton’s small-town appeal as an ideal place to live, work, and play. The deadline for submittals of proposals in response to this RFP is April 11, 2025, at 4:00 PM. No submittals or supporting documents will be accepted after this deadline. Submittals may be emailed to bhickox@cantonnc.com or delivered to: Town of Canton Town Hall, 85 Summer Street, Canton, NC 28716. Physical submittal packages should be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked Request for Proposal – Unified Development Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan, and Future Land Use Map, Attention: Byron Hickox.