Affordable Housing Committee

APA-NC will serve as a resource for data, defining the problem and potential solutions that can be implemented in NC, as well as a source of advocacy for enhanced local authority. Many local jurisdictions in NC have done great work on affordable housing; their findings and best practices should be broadly shared. APA-NC can also work with partners to dispel myths about affordable housing.

The APA-NC Affordable Housing Committee is seeking volunteers to assist with creating a series of case studies on affordable housing tools and programs that have successfully resulted in the development of new affordable housing units or protection of the same. A diversity of tools and communities will be incorporated into the case studies. The Committee is asking for assistance contacting fellow planners that have worked on these projects to learn about the details, the lessons learned, and draft succinct summaries using a template format. These case studies will be leveraged by partner organizations and local governments to explore approaches for advancing affordable housing in NC. If you are interested, please contact co-chair Leigh Anne King. Our Committee is fun, likes to do good work, and looks forward to making a difference!