APA-NC 2024 Strategic Plan

The APA-NC 2024 Strategic Plan is intended to guide the work plan and development of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association over four years, beginning in January of 2024.

The purpose of the plan is to identify priorities and set the strategic direction for the many activities and initiatives undertaken by the Chapter and its committees, both ongoing and new. The North Carolina Chapter (APA-NC) has a long history of undertaking strategic plans, and past plans have helped create many initiatives, some of which remain ongoing and relevant to the Chapter’s mission. In order to keep the plan up to date and relevant, it will be revisited and updated on a two year cycle, with each update conducted during the first year of the new Chapter President’s term. This way, each new President has the opportunity to lead the Chapter through the update process.

Click the link below to review the entire Four-Year Plan for Chapter Work and Development (2024-2028). 

APA-NC Four-Year Plan for Chapter Work and Development