AICP Certification

AICP Certification Overview
The American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) is the American Planning Association's professional institute, with responsibilities for accreditation, compliance, certification, ethics, and continuing education.
- To become a certified planner and use the AICP designation, one must be a current member of the American Planning Association, pass an examination, submit an application meeting certain education and experience requirements along with submitting an assessment, and pay the initial ACIP dues.
- Once you are AICP, members must earn a total of 32 credits each two-year reporting period under AICP's Certification Maintenance (CM) program.
- Please review the Chapter CM Sponsorship Policy before contacting the Chapter about sponsoring any activity or event where Certification Maintenance would be requested by the Chapter.

The North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association's Professional Development Officer (PDO), Ben Howell, is available to help answer APA-NC member questions about AICP.