Welcoming Environment Code of Conduct

1. Events hosted by the Chapter will be provided a verbal or written reminder of the welcoming environment expectations to attendees as follows.

The chapter is committed to our events being welcoming places. We work hard to provide a comfortable, inclusive, and empowering space for all attendees. We expect this space to be free from bullying and harassment as part of our commitment to the AICP code of ethics. Please behave accordingly.

2. Incidents may be confidentially reported to the information desk, through the conferenceapp, to a Chapter Executive Committee member or the Chapter Administrator.

3. Incidents will be investigated by the President or other Officer of the Executive Committee.

4. The Investigating Party will:

a. Consult with the APA Ethics Officer as appropriate.

b. Interview the concerned party.

c. Interview any other parties involved.

d. Interview any witnesses.

e. Refer to the ethics code for guidance and consult with the President Elect or Past President on a proposed resolution.

f. Implement a resolution as appropriate.

g. Prepare written documentation if appropriate.

h. Elevate the matter to the APA Ethics Officer or law enforcement if necessary.