Membership Membership Benefits
The North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association recognizes that through partnerships with professionals and citizens, planning can achieve a high rate of success in the State of North Carolina.
APA-NC is committed to ongoing initiatives and programs that support the mission of the Chapter. Membership in APA-NC includes opportunities to participate and engage in those programs and initiatives along with other added value member services including:

Chapter-Only Memberships
APA-NC also offers the option of joining the Chapter without having to also join national APA. Chapter-Only Membership is open to practicing planners, a professional in another field who is interested or involved in planning, an engaged citizen, academic professors, elected & appointed officials, students, and citizens who are otherwise eligible for National APA Membership but choose not to be. The Chapter-Only Membership is a reasonably priced alternative for those who wish to become engaged in planning related issues, opportunities and events in North Carolina.
Chapter-Only Members may not participate in National APA Elections or hold National APA Office, however, such members may vote in Chapter Elections, serve on Chapter Committees, and be elected to or hold a Chapter Office other than Chapter President, Vice President, or Professional Development Officer.
Members of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) must retain membership in the National Association and therefore are considered "regular members".
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions regarding general membership, a chapter-only membership, other membership types, or dues? Click on the link below to find answers to your questions.