Legislative Committee

APA-NC Legislation Tracking Form Now Available Online!

The APA-NC Legislative Committee has tracked legislation for our members over the years and that information is now easily accessible on the Legislation Tracking form available from the link to the left!

Get Involved!

The Legislative Committee is comprised of planners from across the State who are interested in legislative advocacy and issues. We are always looking for planners and interested members to join us in our efforts. Please reach out to the Legislative Chair for more information on how to get involved.

Legislative Committee Vision Statement

The APA-NC Legislative Committee will inform and equip North Carolina planners to better participate in the legislative process and build lasting relationships with strategic partners and the General Assembly in pursuit of beneficial planning legislation.  We will serve as an objective source of information on the anticipated impacts of proposed legislation, and will raise awareness of the value of planning in North Carolina communities.  We will provide assistance to planners and local governments in adapting to changes in planning-related legislation.

Committee Information